Day Care
Designed both to help maintain your independence and to prevent you feeling isolated and lonely at home
Daycare with Sheffcare is the ideal solution if you are still able to live in your own home. It is designed both to help maintain your independence and to prevent you feeling isolated and lonely at home. The best of both worlds for many of our day centre users!
As a day centre visitor you'll have the opportunity to meet new people and to enjoy a wide range of organised daily activities whilst still living in your own home. You are welcome to visit the day centres for as many days each week as you would like and enjoy a delicious lunch - our meals are a big attraction, freshly cooked in the kitchens each day. Many new friendships are formed and it is also an ideal way to explore new interests. There's the opportunity for a little pampering too; day centre users are welcome to take advantage of our in-house hairdressing, chiropody or beauty therapist services.
A typical day with us starts between 9am and 10am when you would be collected in one of our mini-buses, specially adapted for easy access. Some day centre visitors are able to make their own way. When you arrive at your day centre you will be able to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit or freshly made cake. Following that, you might like to take part in an activity, learn a new skill or just catch up with your friends. A delicious lunch is served at 12.30pm; after that you can relax or join in the afternoon’s activities. It's time for home around 3.15pm and you will be safely escorted to your home if using our minibus service.
If you would like to continue with a favourite past time or hobby; but need a little extra support, talk to us, and if possible, we will ensure that it is included in your personalised day care plan. Periodically, we arrange entertainment and outings, so if there is somewhere reasonably local you'd really like to visit, let us know and we may be able to organise a trip for you and the other daycare visitors. All the support and assistance you need will be available in a safe and friendly environment to ensure you are happy and comfortable.
Our day centre care plans are personalised to meet individual needs. For example, we can provide transport and an escort to ensure that you don’t miss that important hospital appointment; we can help you with your shopping or laundry or we can provide a bathing service.
If you are a carer, day care and respite care enable you to have a few hours well-deserved break. You can enjoy the time whilst your loved one is with us, secure in the knowledge that they are safe, well cared for and having a enjoyable day.
We offer Day Centre Services in two of our Sheffcare homes, Springwood & Deerlands. Use the home finder to find your nearest Sheffcare day service or speak to us using the contact details at the top of the page.
Call us today on: 0114 2808888 to find out more!
and speak to one of our friendly team to discuss the right home for you or your loved one.