Consider these questions before you speak to any care provider and think about their answers after any discussions or visits have taken place
- Can residents have personal possessions in their rooms such as pictures, plants and furniture?
- Do you have a choice of what and when to eat every day? Are special diets catered for?
- Can you prepare food or drink yourself if you get hungry or thirsty during any time of the day or night?
- Will you be free to have people visit you at any time, as they would be able to if you were living at home?
- Were the staff helpful in setting out exactly what services they provide?
- Did they explain their costs and charges properly?
- Were they confident to let you meet and talk to existing residents?
- Did they ask many questions about you - your likes and dislikes?
If the answer is ‘no’ to any of these questions think about why this is so. Don’t be afraid to go back to the care provider and ask as many questions as you want.