Sheffcare - Enriching Lives

Call us today on 0114 2808888


  • It is a fact of life that funding is at the centre of the care system in the UK and this issue above all others causes the greatest concerns.

    If you do need to go into a residential home, or you need support at home, there are many ways that you might get help towards paying the fees.
    The Local Authority may pay some of the cost and you may be able to claim extra Social Security benefits.

    The weekly charge payable by yourself will depend on your own financial circumstances (i.e. your savings and income).  Use the links on the left to find a lot of the information you need. Or please telephone our Finance section on (0114) 2808880/ 2808872, or email us at

    Sorting out funding for care can be confusing and frustrating. If you do need to go into a residential home, or you need support at home, there are many ways that you might be able to get help towards paying all or some of the fees. The Local Authority may pay some of the cost and you may be able to claim extra Social Security benefits. The weekly charge payable by you personally will depend on your own financial circumstances (i.e. how much savings or income you have and whether you own your own home).

    Our team at our Sheffcare Head Office have many years experience in navigating the maze of local authority funding criteria and will be happy to talk with you and advise you as to your options. Any discussions will, of course, be in the strictest confidence. Please call our Resident Finance team on 0114 2808880 or 2808872 or email them at


    Alternatively you can call your own Local Authority's Social Services Department. To find out about any social security benefits to which you may be entitled talk with your local office of the Benefits Agency offiice.

    A booklet entitled 'Moving Into a Care Home - Things You Need To Know', published by the Department of Health, is available free of charge by calling 0800 555777 or writing to; Department of Health, PO Box 410, WETHERBY, LS23 7LN.




    When you move into a SheffCare home, much of your daily expenses are included in the weekly cost of care and include:

    • Personal Care
    • All meals
    • Fully furnished room
    • Laundry services
    • A range of activities, entertainment and trips (you may be asked to contribute towards the cost of some trips)
    • Insurance of personal belongings and money (to a set level)

    If you need any specific additional care services you will also have access, via the N.H.S. to:

    • Chiropody
    • Opticians
    • Dentistry
    • District Nurse
    • GP

    Other services will be available to you and can be organised by the care team, the cost of which are your personal responsibility. Examples of services you might like to arrange are:

    • Hairdressing
    • Holidays
    • Own choice of toiletries
    • Clothing
    • TV Licence (concessionary)
    • Your favourite newspapers and magazines
    • Private telephone (in your own room)
    • Additional insurance requirements

    Our fee for daycare at each one of the ten Sheffcare homes offering daycentre facilities is £50.00 per day. This applies if you opt to use our minibus transport service to and from the daycentre of your choice.

    It includes all the organised activities which take place throughout the week, refreshments during the day and a choice of a two-course hot or cold meal at lunchtime.
    If you are able to come to the daycentre independently ie.not using our transport, the cost is £25.00 per day.
    If you benefit from Council funding for your daycentre place then the only cost payable is £3.00 per day for meals.



    If you move into a residential home you are generally not entitled to any benefits other than the basic retirement pension and possibly a pension credit.


    Depending on your savings, the money in your home or any other capital and income you may have, you may be entitled to Pension Credit/Income Support to top up your income, even if you get council funding or a loan. The Department for Work and Pensions may ignore the value of the property where you lived before entering into residential care if you’re taking reasonable steps to sell it.


    If you’re disabled, or need help with personal care, you may be able to claim Attendance Allowance or Disability Living Allowance (Care Component) as long as you pay the full fee for your place in the home and don’t get financial help from the Local Authority. If they pay part of your fees your Attendance Allowance/Disability Living Allowance (Care Component) payment will stop after four weeks, or earlier if you have already been in hospital or short term care.

    You should also notify the Attendance Allowance/Disability Living Allowance (Care Component) office of any change in your circumstances. You can use these benefits to pay some of your care fees. This may make it easier for you to afford to pay the fees yourself without social services help. It could also mean that you will not use up your other monies as quickly.

    If you’re receiving any benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions, you should tell them when you move into a care home. You’ll need to provide information on when you were admitted to care and to which home you’ve moved.
    SheffCare's Resident Finance team have many years experience in navigating the maze of funding criteria and will be happy to talk with you and advise you as to your options. Any information you divulge will of course be in the strictest confidence.

    Please call our Resident Finance team on 0114 2808880 or 2808872 or email them at will be happy to help you or point you in the right direction.